Hannah Gardner - Pastry Sous Chef at The Twenty Two


We sat down with Hannah Gardner, Pastry Sous Chef at hotel and members club, The Twenty Two to discuss her journey so far and get some insight into her favourite foods.

Tell us about your relationship with food and what inspired you to take on a career as a chef.

Growing up, I was surrounded by people with a real love of food. I remember from a young age that our house was always bursting with homemade bakes and fresh food.

I got started in the mad world of hospitality by moving to Cork and enrolling at Ballymaloe Cookery School. This ignited a desire to start my journey in professional kitchens. Creativity has always been a huge part of my life and I feel very lucky to have found my passion in a career that affords me so much of it. I get stuck in to every job I do and immerse myself in the process. 

I now have a decade of experience working as a pastry chef. I've worked in places including Roux at the Landau, Socius and of course The Twenty Two. I also do bespoke wedding cake commissions having started @pud.cook on Instagram in the midst of the lockdown and it’s grown organically from simple birthday cakes to four-tier wedding cakes!

We love to hear where chefs like to chow down and get the inside track. Have you got a favourite spot in London?

I find it hard to whittle it down to one place as it depends on what I’m in the mood for! However, Max’s Sandwich Shop in Stroud Green is up there to be my favourite Sunday spot. It ticks all the boxes for no fuss delicious food. I’m big on simple dishes done well and Max’s ticks all the boxes for me. Finishing off with their negroni shots.

Being a chef is a fairly punishing job at times. How do you blow off steam outside of work/relax on your days off and keep a good balance?

When I'm not at work, I split my time between the rugby field and my home kitchen. Rugby has always been a release from chef life, whether it’s watching or playing for my tag team. I’ve always lent on exercise as a big stress release. Fresh air always excites me as I feel I live in the kitchen. A run outside is pure bliss. 

Some of our finest food decisions are made when drunk and hungover decisions are not far behind. Do you have a go-to at the end of a night out and/or the next day?

I’ve never been a big feaster whilst drinking but I really really eat on a hangover. If I’m going out to eat you can’t beat a roast for me, early sitting of course. If I’m at home, my takeout will always be pizza which has become a slight obsession. Artichoke might just be my favourite topping.

Everyone has a not-so-fond memory of being ill when they are younger and usually whatever was served up by the ones looking after you stays long in the memory too. What do you turn to when you need nursing back to health?

Whenever I’ve got the lurgy my go-to is Jeannie’s (my mum) chicken and rice soup. Even without being ill, I will batch cook this and eat this for a week straight. It just screams health. Packed with 5 different ingredients and brings with it the feeling of home. 

Death Row Meal?

Running a slight theme here, it would again be a Jeannie special of roast ham, tatties in the oven (our Scottish way of dauphinoise) and greens. We’ve had this on Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember and it brings me so much joy.

Follow Hannah Gardner here: Pud Cook

Follow The Twenty Two here: The Twenty Two